I launched my new website this past weekend as a support to my private counselling practice. I invite you to visit it.
Of course I welcome any feedback you can offer that'll help make it better.
We're enjoying a warm, sunny weekend (warm and sunny all summer long so far!) here on Vancouver Island. And today's a holiday (BC Day), a chance to enjoy ourselves and reflect on all the things in our lives we have to be grateful for.
I hope wherever you are that you're able - that you have the space, the safety and security in your life - to do the same.
are only two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a miracle, the
other is as though everything is a miracle.
~ Albert Einstein
BUT all the same, even in the midst of lovely weather, good physical health and the safety and security of everyday life, there are many people who are suffering through deep emotional pain. Some of it is their doing - either that which they inflict upon themselves, or, very often it is caused by the guilt and sorrow they experience for having inflicted pain on others - even on those they love. A person in that state might even feel - and believe deep in their heart - that what they have done is, and they therefore are, unforgivable.
Making amends is often impossible and one may discover that some of the people he or she loves seem like they are unable to be angry and hurt and still love them. One finds out that many of the people in their life can only like, love and accept them if they do what pleases them.
This is a very dangerous place to be.
Why is it dangerous? Because a person in that situation may go beyond guilt and sorrow - to shame. And shame will have one believe they are worthless, it will have them believe the words of others - that they are beneath contempt. Wallowing in shame makes it very difficult to live a creative and productive life.
How can one help others (which is the whole meaning of a creative and productive life) if a person believes they are not worthy of anything? Shame will have them believe - "I am not capable any longer, on account of what I have done, of being honest, responsible and forgiving". Shame would have them believe that they are not worthy of helping others.
It is during these times that one has to turn inward.
In the depths of his or her heart, in the midst of their guilt and sorrow, they learn to dedicate and encourage themselves, every day, maybe every minute of the day, to believe and accept themselves as a good person who did wrong. In order to transcend the guilt and sorrow, indeed in spite of their guilt and sorrow, they dedicate themselves to helping others more passionately and - this is important - more humbly.
I have decided to stick with love.
Hate is too great a burden to bear.
- Martin Luther King
Have a great week in whatever weather you are enjoying.
And please, don't forget to check out my website.
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